The Noble Number 9 is the seventh challenge in this lineup, and it brings a unique twist with its Town Hall 9 base, designed to resemble Haaland's iconic Number 9 jersey.
there were 38,000 deaths in 2015, 8% increase. what we re doing the irony is we will report on little things. but we don t report on the 38,000 deaths. they are going to be reduced. we will deal with flaws here and there. it s the giant arrow s fault. there will be some deaths associated with driverless cars. we know this. it s a testing period. as greg points out that far fewer will happen with driverless cars. so we should expect collateral damage in the form of roadkill? i don t know. i feel safer in a new york city cab. you are crazy. you are nuts. you know how when the family when somebody gets elderly and you say take away the car keys? they refuse because they want control. they want to know that they are able to steer and manipulate.