According to the police, On June 13, when the Kandivali unit of the Mumbai Crime Branch's Anti-Narcotics Cell was on a routine patrol, the officials spotted a foreign national allegedly standing on the road suspiciously. During checks cops found drugs on him
According to the police, On June 13, when the Kandivali unit of the Mumbai Crime Branch's Anti-Narcotics Cell was on a routine patrol, the officials spotted a foreign national allegedly standing on the road suspiciously. During checks cops found drugs on him
The Mumbai Police said that on June 4, the Ghatkopar Unit of the Anti Narcotics Cell of Mumbai Crime Branch had received a tip-off regarding a man in south Mumbai. The officials began to work on the tip-off and found that a suspect from the south Mumbai area was in possession of Mephedrone drugs
Police have recovered mephedrone (MD) drug worth around Rs 31 lakh in Mumbai and arrested a man for allegedly possessing it, an official told news agency PTI on Saturday