Safe Automated Driving: The results of the joint Verification and Validation Methods (VVM) project to develop the world’s first structures for the verification of safety standards for automated vehicles in an urban environment are now available.
Many will hope the Gulf kingdom's human rights record will be raised during Olaf Scholz's visit. But the chancellor must prioritize energy security and arrest falling German exports to the wealthiest Middle East state.
Many will hope the Gulf kingdom's human rights record will be raised during Olaf Scholz's visit. But the chancellor must prioritize energy security and arrest falling German exports to the wealthiest Middle East state.
Seite 1: Die Beschäftigtenzahl in der Industrie wächst offenbar zum siebten Mal in Folge gegenüber dem jeweiligen Vorjahresmonat. Das ist allerdings nicht in jeder Branche der Fall.