Melvyn Rasel dedicated countless hours and money over four decades to create an homage to his hometown, building small plastic replicas of Irwin landmarks from his childhood in the 1950s as part of an extensive model train layout in his Plum home. His family is now sharing this labor of
The Lenten tradition of bountiful fish fries around the region is in jeopardy this year as many have canceled their typically fruitful fundraiser because of supply chain issues and rising costs. The fish fry faithful may have to go a little farther to find their Friday meal. For David Hauger,
The Lenten tradition of bountiful fish fries around the region is in jeopardy this year as many have canceled their typically fruitful fundraiser because of supply chain issues and rising costs. The fish fry faithful may have to go a little farther to find their Friday meal. For David Hauger,
As the pandemic closed in last year, fish fry organizers at St. Agnes Church in North Huntingdon scrambled to establish a drive-thru plan for an expected large crowd of hungry patrons. Volunteers set up traffic cones to direct drivers and gave the drive-thru a shot in addition to the regular