(NEWSRAEL) – A significant scandal has recently emerged within the Italian Catholic Church, implicating high-ranking church officials, including cardinals and archbishops, in a scheme of organizing and financing illegal migration from Africa to Europe. Investigations led by the prosecutor’s office in Ragusa, Sicily, have uncovered troubling connections between several Italian dioceses and the George Soros-tied…
Donald Trump sat next to his attorney as cameras captured both the stony stares of the politically charged globalist-funded attorney general who's prosecuting the former president, and the smiley-faced primping of the judge as he posed for the pictures. That's not just biased and unprofessional. That's a circus act.
The midterms may have seen a surprising surge of young voters for Democrats, and the youthful Gen-Zers may have helped push Joe Biden's presidential tally in 2020, but that was then, this is now. Democrats are losing the youth and quite possibly, the youth vote. They brought it on themselves.