last summer and tea party movements. why aren t they responding? is there a sense they know better? or because they aren t listening? or they think the american people will come around to that viewpoint? some americans do agree them, i should add, but the ones that disagree them. i m going to be in texas thursday with a tea party group unveiling their version of a contract for america. it is very clear that this first of all the henry waxmans of the world have genuine con felt for the american people. you look at wacman s reaction to at&t unveiling how much the health bill would cost it was almost asia greta: contempt or they disagree. you could be contempt and think you can so disagree and think the american people
last summer and tea party movements. why aren t they responding? is there a sense they know better? or because they aren t listening? or they think the american people will come around to that viewpoint? some americans do agree them, i should add, but the ones that disagree them. i m going to be in texas thursday with a tea party group unveiling their version of a contract for america. it is very clear that this first of all the henry waxmans of the world have genuine con felt for the american people. you look at wacman s reaction to at&t unveiling how much the health bill would cost it was almost asia greta: contempt or they disagree. you could be contempt and think you can so disagree and think the american people