without objection so ordered. madam speaker, i have consent request. i ask my comments be admitted into the record. i ask unanimous consent for the gentleman from mississippi. gentleman is recognized. thank you, madam speaker. i oppose the articles of impeachment. and like my comments be entered into the record. without objection so ordered. i reserve. gentleman reserves. gentleman from california. madam speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. who seeks recognition? madam speaker, i ask of the gentleman is he ready to close? no, we have a few more speakers. then i reserve. madam speaker, i recognize the gentleman from new york for one minute. gentleman is recognized for one minute. madam speaker, if you live in
and i yield back. denman yields back. gentleman reserves, gentlemen from new york. i now yielded 3 minutes to the distinguished gentleman from california. gentleman is recognized. thank you for your leadership. let s start by making this very simple. no one in america can do what donald trump did and get away with it. no american elected official can call a foreign government and ask for an investigation of a political opponent. no member of congress can call up a foreign official and ask for help in a reelection campaign. if we did that we are going to get indicted. no one is above the law and the constitution is the supreme law of the land. my first sworn oath when i joined the united states air force enacted duty. the oath i took was not to a political party or a president or a cane, it was to a document that made america the greatest nation on earth.
all-time high. then some already across the aisle are discrediting the results of future elections, already. it seems that many americans for the past three years, the past e majority has been carrying out the wishes of the kremlin. the sad part is the democrats are vowed to continue their sham investigations even after today s vote. impeaching a duly elected president in a purely partisan manner with no crimes to show for it, not one element of a crime to find, disgraces the integrity of our democracy. now s the time to end the partisan politics, come together and put america first. i urge this body to vote no to partisan impeachment. gentleman yields back. gentleman reserves. mr. nadler? mr. speaker i now yields
expediency. no, mr. speaker. my fellow republican colleagues and i won t be remembered in history for doing any of those things because we know this is far too great of a matter for subversion such as these of our democratic republic. we should all be better than this. i yield back. reserve. gentleman reserves. mr. speaker, may i inquire how much time remains on both sides? mr. nadler, you are advised so that you have 156 and three-quarter minutes remaining. the gentleman from georgia has 157 minutes remaining. divide that by 60.
interest above partisan interests. and to preserve those laws that make our country unique. we cannot reconcile the president s abuse of power and obstruction of congress with the oath of office that we took. madam speaker, we re being tested on something greater than our ability to tow a party line. something more than our ability to score the next great television sound bite. this is a democracy defining moment. history will judge us by whether we keep intact that fragile republic handed down to us by our forebears more than 200 years ago. or whether we allow it to be changed forever. for the sake of our country s future, i hope and i pray that my colleagues will make the right decision. i reserve the balance of my time. gentleman reserves. gentleman from oklahoma. thank you, madam speaker. i thank my good friend the gentleman from massachusetts, chairman mcgovern for yielding me the customary 30 minutes.