Which, we need to implement these legal acts, therefore, who exactly should come to us, to our authorities, these are those who have the competence, this is firstly, and secondly, those who have experience are simple windbags, if lets remember the early nineties, everyone started studying to become political scientists, because they thought that if you studied to become a political scientist, you would become a politician, there shouldnt be such people, why, because the main disease of these pseudodemocratic parliaments is, yes, there is a lot of circus, but very little meaning, our parliament should always be different in that we have a lot of meaning and a circus. There is none, we have a belarusian state circus that minds its own business, those who mind their own business should sit in parliament, and this is a fundamental difference, we saw in our southern neighbor, we saw in some other states, when people are out of place, to be in ones place place and choose those people who are
One there. A discussion on tv many years ago and there one means ours is such a liberal, well russian in the sense of a liberal, well, you understand why, well, nato was 50 years old in 1999, they were created for the war with the soviet union, but the war with the soviet union did not happen, but they had to demonstrate their power and so on , im such a wow, you liberals think, that is, you will celebrate 50 years without fireworks there, not with a banquet, not with a reception, no, but lets just bomb belgrade with phosphorus bombs, they celebrated 50 years, theres this too, theyre great they said all this, here it is these congressmen declare that we will fight until the last ukrainians, duda said that it is cheap, because american soldiers do not die, these are their values, american soldiers, this is the first, firstly, this is their impunity, meanness, and secondly, they have nowhere to go, if america loses hegemony, if countries begin to consistently abandon the dollar, then if