Permanently citing the risk of further incitement of violence. The company adds in a statement plans for future armed protests have already begun proliferating on and off twitter including a proposed secondary attack on the u. S. Capitol and State Capitol buildings on january 17, 2021. Thats actually an emerging threat. We have two experts standing by later in this hour to brief us on that very threat. It turns out all it took to get trump banned from twitter and facebook and instagram was his role in inciting the looting and desecration of our u. S. Capitol. Other protrump groups gathered at state houses across the country threatening state officials along the way. Meanwhile, the momentum is gaining speed to make trump the first president to be impeached twice. Such a thing would settle any argument about historys worst president. Speaker nancy pelosi has thrown down the gauntlet in this area telling trump to resign or face a second impeachment or removal via the 25th amendment. She d
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Rep. John Katko said
he will vote to impeach Donald Trump, becoming the first House Republican to formally back the president s ouster. “To allow the President of the United States to incite this attack without consequence is a direct threat to the future of our democracy,” the Syracuse-area Republican said in a statement Tuesday evening, ahead of a vote
Associated Press
Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivers part 2 of his State of the State address Tuesday in Albany. (Photo provided by the governor s office) ALBANY New York state expanded COVID-19 vaccine distribution Tuesday to people 65 and over, increasing access to an already short supply of doses being distributed through an overtaxed system some users have found time consuming. The state had already dramatically expanded vaccine eligibility beyond health care workers on Monday to include people 75 and older and to police officers, teachers and other key professions. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced the lower age eligibility Tuesday, even as a state vaccine hotline was temporarily not accepting calls due to high call volumes.