Rotary celebrates year with awards and installation of new board
The Rotary Club of Marco Island Noontime celebrated its successful 2020-21 Year and installed the new officers and board for the 2021-22 Rotary year.
The meeting opened with invocation and pledge by club member, Reverend Jessica Babcock. Linda Sandlin, outgoing president, wrapped up the year, “This has been a challenging year for the world, our country, and our community but all of you have risen to the challenge and I am so proud and grateful to all of you.
“Rotary is all about doing good in our communities and in the world. We are people of action. For the hungry you supported Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Our Daily Bread, Collier Harvest and Meals of Hope. For the children, you supported eight college scholarships, Educate the Children, Shelter for Abused Women & Children, Joy of Giving, Camp Florida, District Youth Peace Action, District Literacy Committee, Project Graduation, the Center for the
Gene D’Onofrio awarded Rotary Vocational Service Award
The Rotary Club of Marco Island Noontime honored Gene D’Onofrio with Rotary’s Vocational Service Award.
Rotary’s commitment to vocational service is built on the highest ethical standards in business and professions. Throughout the world, Rotary is admired for its vocational service and for the time-honored values it instills in all business relationships.
Rotarians contribute mightily to the world when they conduct their work with integrity and always adhere to the Four-Way Test. D’Onofrio exemplifies not only the highest level of Integrity in his business and volunteer and personal life, but also he is the supreme example of “Service Above Self” in the Community at large.