[ chanting ] all of east germany, angry crowds lashed out on the streets. that night in dresden, they found a target. the local kgb headquarters. a mob surrounded the building, as the hour grew later, the crowd grew larger. inside, peering through the curtains was a young kgb lieutenant colonel named vladimir putin. he was terrified they were going to storm the building. putin was a junior officer, but the boss was away. he was in charge. the berlin wall had come down, police weren t going to help. he called for instruction. desperate for help, putin dialed kgb headquarters in moscow, over and over again. finally, one official told him simply, moscow is silent. i think it felt like a deep betrayal to him. vladimir putin was on his own. he went down into the bowels of the building and fired up the furnace. he finds himself in the basement, at a furnace shoveling documents, as he hears protests on the street. they were filing so many documents, that the furnace was
When we think of pinkwashing, we often think of corporations, but it s also a propaganda strategy used by both the US and Israel’s elite decision-makers.
soft, comfort obsessed. some of the most deck adebt, to putin, are lgbtq people. they are destroying the christian faith and churches. he has broad uer gender fluidity, the men are in charge. he mocked people cannot get by without so-called gender freedom. he s condemned gay marriage. he says every family must have a mom and dad. yet his own familiar is not exactly leave it to beaver. the woman believed to be his girlfriend, is tarted. since his divorce, he s said to have fathered several younger children with his girlfriend, a