A retired local longtime educator was recently honored for her work. Carrie Mann was this year’s recipient of the Colorado Art Education Association’s Marion Quinn Dix Leadership Award. The MQDLA is one of the highest honors earned by art teachers in the state and nation. Established in 1983, the award recognizes outstanding educators in the […]
CARLSBAD City offers summer bike safety classes Children who are preparing to ride a bike or e-bike to school next year are invited to join the Carlsbad Police Department for a free one-hour class emphasizing safety.
WELLESLEY HILLS, Mass. Emma Parrish of Sidney has been named to the 2022 fall semester dean’s list at MassBay Community College. Parrish studies liberal arts. To be eligible for the dean’s list, students must complete at least six credits of college-level courses, be in good standing with the college, and earn a grade point […]