Gary Saurage, owner of Gator Country Adventure Park/Sanctuary, sees his gators 'freeze' in a peculiar position to survive the winter chill. Sticking the tips of their snouts up just enough to reach air, the reptiles are able to slow their heartbeats and hibernate while still being able to breathe despite the surface of the water icing over them.
Encompassing seven major regions, Texas has 700,000-plus miles of highway and spans 956 miles at its widest part. Whether crossing Texas west to east from New Mexico to Louisiana or north to south from Oklahoma to Mexico, count on 14 to 16 hours behind the wheel. “There is no simple recipe that can capture all of Texas,” states Travel Texas of its current “Let's Texas” advertising campaign. “No two trips are alike nor should they be. Texas offers the ability to personalize a trip to exactly a traveler's unique preferences.”
Sadly summer is quickly coming to the end. We are already in the second half of July which means, two-a-days will start soon and back to school activities. I know many of you try to squeeze in one last quick getaway before the reality of school life begins. Why not take your kids to Gator Country
Sadly summer is quickly coming to the end. We are already in the second half of July which means, two-a-days will start soon and back to school activities. I know many of you try to squeeze in one last quick getaway before the reality of school life begins. Why not take your kids to Gator Country