this way. he was the only friendback t i ever had back then. i know. yeah, it is a shochen k to have him. it s just he seemed to have been my be shown this way. it s almost like as bad as ghostbusters when thosem prey ladies took over. yeah, and i m pretty sure sur they. they couldn t run upstairs, but i m more worried . - i m more. hi. thw ar- e you? the other two.ey they were all sixes. yeah, go ahead. hurr.y. . how they got a bus goes if muc they re up the stairs. but anyways, i m much more worried about other people taking othere r that havs lapsed in and abusing other old properties likede, it s not goig to be long before jimmy kimmel and howard stern do a remakjimme of amos and and. oh, yeah. cat steamboat willie. g sounds like somebodrey you ie college? no, i don t really live near any bodies of water.
hr 2, serious legislation. the senate is playing andof democrats are playing footsie with us all for the state of the goal of releasing money tothey ukraine. we need to b.e cautious in the negotiations because they are not serious. the democrats ar.e not to serios about securing the border. they believe in open borders and they will not change course even awif there are. some tweaked the law. an executive branch not serioust in executing the law, that is where we are at and that is not willing to change. pete: real quick, senator,sht would you be willing to shut down the government to secure ya the border for real?a yeah, look, this is a serious issue. i don t thinh thk we should be g along here but these continued s resolutions, which is what they arsoe talking about if we don th secure our own border. i ve been really clear about this. which by the way, highlights whr we need individual appropriation bills. vethis honorable stuff, the peoe are tired of it.know i advocated for thi
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both got about honesty by think you would appreciate it sa you ve already declared that national emergency. practically speaking yes sue and effective at the weather channel, was on the road to shield joe from the vendor hurricane in a variant, peter ducey literally hopping the fence about to get bidens first comments on his sons businessrs dealings. there is thist testimonial, one of your sons former busines associates is claimings that yu and warren speakerphone ally with him talking business. i never talked business and u knew you would have allows a question. why is that allows a question. because is nollow t true. thank you mr. president. greg: a los like a bylsma climate of us ar e falling off and join cameras beloved electric vehicle company, filing for bankruptcy, despite all this cheerleading. were going to end up in the future if we keep doing what were doing and we had to be theo stsingle most significant suppliers of electric buses anda vehicles in thnde worl
yeah. so i got i ll do it. i got to get your reaction to this. there here is s a shortage of the popular hot sauce. ratchet prices have jumped online for more than $120than a bottle. no problem . up because of the chili supply issue. stu tom dean. abby, i don t need this stuff anyway. i wouldn t pay a dollar if rong you don t eat. what s wrong with you? it makes my it gives w me rosacc in the face. there s the spicy food fireworks in your moutods.h. it is. it s not for t i mean, i m like, ketchup is spicyo me to what? are you kidding me? but i don t trust anything with the sara. it s sara. barata. sriracha. i don t like that extra. ar e. e hmm. okay. all right. sounds like really valid reasoning. what? no, i disagree with him, and i i my soon yourroja in i can have spicy. yeah, and then you put on your eggs. then i put n o, no, no, no, no. e not on that. fries, everything else.nk thi how do you feel about food?s well, you know, i think this is karma, because do you