From jenin, Lucy Williamson sent this report. It was a message of force, delivered quietly at first. Israeli soldiers seeking their targets, Street By Palestinian street. By morning, hundreds of troops backed by Armoured Bulldozers had arrived in the Refugee Camps of tulkarem, nablus, tubas, jenin. Home to armed palestinian groups and unarmed civilians. At least ten palestinians have been killed. Hamas says six of them were its fighters. Masoud najjar said he was injured when he opened the door of his house to young men asking for water. Translation we felt like something came down on us from the sky and there was an explosion. I was unaware of what was going on. When i put my hand on my chest, it was all shrapnel and blood. Injenin, Army Vehicles surrounded the citys two main hospitals. Ambulances stopped and checked by militaryjeeps. Israels Foreign Minister has urged his government to use gaza as a model for dealing with armed groups, here saying that iran was backing them and that
În cadrul proiectului: Biserica – alături de comunităţile marginalizate din teritoriul GAL Mara-Gutîi, Parohia Ortodoxă Desești, în calitate de Beneficiar, în parteneriat cu Episcopia Ortodoxă Română a Maramureşului şi Sătmarului, Asociaţia Filantropică „Sfîntul Ierarh Iosif Mărturisitorul” şi Asociaţia Vis Juventum, organizează marți, 20 iulie, începînd cu ora 16, în ambianța curții preotului Ioan Ardelean, primul eveniment spectacol, având ca tematică promovarea tradiţiilor şi combaterea discriminării.
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