On the White Mountain Apache reservation, an acclaimed chef embarks on an ambitious project to establish a first-of-its-kind Indigenous cafe. In South Dakota, a gifted Lakota high school student analyzes the health effects of a.
Sunrise breaks over the Cordillera Ridgeline. Below, in the meadow where they bedded down the evening before, Rocky Mountain elk shake the frost off their coats. They spent much of the spring and summer roaming.
The words “community” and “conservation” are two of my favorites in the English language. Individually, they represent many of the values that I (and I suspect many of you) hold dear: social engagement, interconnectedness, shared.
Conservation has come a long way since the days of Teddy Roosevelt and John Muir. Simply acquiring large swaths of land isn’t enough to protect wildlife and other conservation values, nor does it maximize community.
Just for a moment, imagine a community, our community, without open lands and wild spaces. Then imagine the opposite abundant land, but without the ecological and human communities that call that land home. Neither.