probing witnesses for more information about the fbi investigation into the trump campaign reform and national security council official fee on was asked about her closed-door deposition which she talked about former breath fish agent christopher steele. he was the source of the unverified salacious so-called trump dossier paid for by fusion dps. the democratic national many and others, she said that she might ve been misinformation by the russians in order to create a cloud over the trump presidency. was christopher steele s dossier a rabbit hole? do you remember the answer you gave? yes, i thought it was a rabbit hole. you also said a couple of pages later in the deposition and the transits i have of your desk position that you thought he got played. is that fair? that is fair, yes. shannon: democrats are looking to get a bipartisan vote for impeaching the presidents. they have had their eye on key g.o.p. targets like retired republican congressman will
support of hillary clinton to impact the election? multiple pieces of information. some related to joe biden and his son, some related to the democratic national committee s efforts to get help from the ukraine embassy in washington to find dirt on donald trump and third, evidence that people in ukraine sent to nellie ohr and other people in the fusion dps world to try to help the term collusion narrative blossom in the united states even though they really didn t have a factual basis for it. three separate chains of information that the ukrainian government has claimed since late last year. they tried to get to the trial justice department and nobody there seems to be interested in. sean: unbelievable. amazing. you know, they are interested in russia collusion but only if it s tron. not a dirty russian dossier that was used to spy on a candidate or transition team and a president. pretty interesting. full of lies and of course, we had premeditated fisa abuse with multiple warnings
do. yes. then they open up a counterintelligence investigation with the united states. now ask yourself, if three days before, he said there was nothing there, why in the world would they can open up a counterintelligence investigation? if they did this, it s not only an abuse of process but it shows you it s a pattern of action. i want to focus on that pattern because it sounds like asian history. but remember how all this started. the steel dossier. who put the steel dossier together? fusion dps. nellie ohr, the wife of bruce ohr who was talking with christopher steele and glenn simpson w in his wife was workig on the but here s what happens. then you have the irregularities in this investigation which are legendary. we have filed at the american
of up to my corporation preand paul manafort lying after cooperating. his sentencing is set for march with enriching and prayed there s no evidence released by mueller to suggest that present a trip colluded with russia. the present remains in the cross hairs of democrats convinced that he is assembling a team to impede the investigation. democrats also criticizing trump s permanent pick for attorney general, william barr. who, in a recently uncovered memo, criticize the special prosecution. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein said yesterday doesn t matter who is running. the investigation will proceed. moving on, writing in the wall street journal, kim strassel says the crowning achievement of the 115th congress is the house republicans investigation the fbi conduct in the investigation. she said, and i quote here, the democratic national committee and hillary clinton about risk campaign hired fusion dps who retained a british jet done at gun for hire to make a dossier. part of
of thousands of dollars in campaign money, not personal money, from a pack associated with terry, governor of virginia in a clinton pal and congressman jim jordan was on justice with judge jeanine and said there was more coming. you talk about bruce for meeting with the founder of fusion dps, clintons after the election and you think why would they meet after the election? maybe to get the story straight may be to look for ways to cover up the tracks but it also could be how will be double down and go after president-elect trump, speaking to what chuck schumer said. maybe they are looking at how they can cover up his arms to didn t win the white house and now what can we also do to go after the now president-elect donald trump. think about the unmasking and the leaks took place in during the transition time this is scary and now comes out about what robert mueller was doing with the transition team. pete: so jim jordan and trey gowdy have been cautious about