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you re your fed people and pe be hurting themselves. and , you know hurtin, albeit funny ways, but you re not fedg that anything that actually makes you a better citizen. a better at the same time, they re downloading your data. so i m glad that d commoatn sene finally caught up with us here. then on the issue of equity, social and governance, otherwise know equitn as esginvt investing, this is another issue that we ve let on watch. think of those behind the esg movement as a selfd appointed thought and governance police for corporate america. police for esg scores are baset in totally arbitrary, arbitrary standards, and they actually could end u ap kneecapping great american companies almost overnight. the entirean compa fauci movemes is just another wayway to circumnavigattoe around the american voters. now, bend states have sincein pulled tens of billions of ballars in their pension funds back from entities like blackrock. b buat s just scratchinglack the surface. but it looks