/PRNewswire/ Bluerock Total Income+ Real Estate Fund ("TI+," tickers: TIPRX, TIPPX, TIPWX, TIPLX, TIPMX) has paid a fourth quarter distribution of $0.3965.
/PRNewswire/ Bluerock Fund Advisor and the Bluerock Total Income+ Real Estate Fund ("Bluerock TI+ Fund," "Fund," "TI+," tickers: TIPRX, TIPPX, TIPWX, TIPLX,.
/PRNewswire/ Bluerock Total Income+ Real Estate Fund, the largest 1940 Act real estate interval fund in the industry as measured by net assets, ("TI+", "TI+.
/PRNewswire/ Bluerock Total Income+ Real Estate Fund ("TI+," tickers: TIPRX, TIPPX, TIPWX, TIPLX, TIPMX) has paid a second quarter distribution of $0.4347.
/PRNewswire/ Bluerock Total Income+ Real Estate Fund ("Bluerock Total Income+," "Fund," "TI+," tickers: TIPRX, TIPPX, TIPWX, TIPLX, TIPMX), the largest real.