Call to run a project/s designed to provide improved access to quality advice on apprenticeships and skills for employers and learners and access to funding for responsive skills.
This call seeks to provide support for under 25-year olds not in education, employment or training to be prepared for various local opportunities locally, including those in sectors such as care, health, digital, logistics, education hospitality and visitor, construction and engineering and to provide the wrap around support that many young people will require, such as mental health, employability, financial well-being and housing support. This will complement national initiatives such as apprenticeships and Kickstart by preparing young people to take these up. Preparing young people for jobs, apprenticeships and training in these sectors is an important first step to a long-term career.
Lump Sum Digital Interventions Call OC00S21X1838
To deliver additional bolt-on activity to existing ESF projects in response to COVID-19 which addresses the digital divide, by providing access to information and services, through digital technologies.
This additional activity must be wholly focussed on the loan of equipment and provision of data to existing ESF participants who would not otherwise have access to the internet, as complimentary to existing ESF provision.
For more information, download the
call specification.
Other documents required to assist an application against this call are:
Completion date
Projects must be financially completed (i.e. have a proposed Financial Completion Date) no later than 31st December 2023; however, the Managing Authority reserves the right to vary the maximum duration in exceptional circumstances.
Through this call the Managing Authority is seeking project(s) to support 80 SME businesses as the main beneficiaries, however the proposal will also benefit individual participants. The service will be a gateway for employers to access information on a range of skills related initiatives, including, skills and training, industry placements, apprenticeships and traineeships. The service will coordinate and sign-post working in partnership with local delivery organisations including; colleges, private training providers, and business representative organisations. Brokering opportunities to encourage and increase work experience, work placements, traineeships, apprenticeships, and graduate placements particularly through wider employer engagement and involving supply chains.