Credit: Frontex Facebook pageThe European Commission announced earlier this week that the Union is adopting the first EU migration Strategy on voluntary return and reintegration of migrants who have reached European shores.The Strategy promotes voluntary return and reintegration as an integral part of a common EU system for returns, a key objective under the New…
Do you like taking pictures? Is your phone full of photos
from all your Frontex missions?
Time to share your talent with the Frontex community!
9 May is Europe Day, a celebration of peace and unity across
the EU.
We’d like to use this occasion to showcase how people from
all around Europe work together at EU external borders for the benefit of
European citizens.
3. A helping hand at the border
Cooperation with national authorities – show us how you or
your team work together with colleagues from the host member state. It can be a
photo of joint activities, training, and equipment, anything that represents