Congress lurches toward end-of-the-year mess
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SQUAD COALS Is Congress trying to get coal in its stocking for Christmas? They’re barreling toward a brief government shutdown. Leaders still haven’t finalized a desperately needed coronavirus relief deal. Lawmakers will likely need to work through the weekend. The government suffered a massive hack. President Donald Trump is preparing to veto a bipartisan defense bill. And one member even
cracked open a beer on the House floor yesterday in a bid to end the bickering.
So, in other words: classic Washington behavior right before the holidays. Absolutely no one should be surprised that Congress is once again blowing past their deadline and will attempt to jam through a multi-trillion dollar spending and rescue package just before the holidays.
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TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE The bipartisan “908 coalition” finally unveiled their highly anticipated, two-part coronavirus relief plan. And it could very well provide a pathway to a deal before the holidays. Said Senate GOP Whip John Thune: It s trending in the right direction. But plenty of questions and potential sticking points remain.