[chambers brothers Time Has Come Today plays] Time Has Come Today all Strike Strike Strike young hearts can go their way the students push forward and the Police Push back. Cant put it off another day thats what the cops did. I dont care what others say dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , assassinated in memphis, tennessee. Time has come Today Senator Robert Francis Kennedy was 42 years old. The enemy is no longer closer to victory. Oh, the rules have changed today we demonstrate against the war in vietnam. Have no place to stay the number of men killed last week in vietnam was the highest this summer. They are running an allwhite Political Party in 1968. My tears have come and gone we all need george c. Wallace for our President Of The United States. Hey i have no Home Vote Republican in november. The Peace Groups are demanding permission to march on Convention Hall. These cops here are tough. Theyd kill you with a smile. Time as long as i am mayor of this town, there will be Law And Order i
LISA HILTON: Corsets feel current in the way heels suddenly do again - in a post-pandemic world, they offer not only a sense of extravagance and escapism, but polish and even protection.
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The battle for the breasts of America
On 21 June 1986, seven American women were arrested for being topless in a park in Rochester, New York. They had been protesting against a law that criminalised topless women but not topless men. In court, Judge Walz ruled that the state was right to require that “the female breast not be exposed in public places” because “community standards… regard the female breast as an intimate part of the human body”. Since “community standards” did “not deem the exposure of males’ breasts offensive”, the judge concluded, men were permitted to wander about shirtless. In other words, women’s breasts were offensive; men’s were not.
lessons anyone. the 1960s was about women demanding justice in the society and nowhere was this more public and powerful than the 1968 miss america contest. we had a freedom trash can and we threw in bras, diapers, high heel shoes, girdles and steno pads and symbols of women oppression. it struck a cord with so many women around the country, in some ways it was the first national emerges of a bottom s movement, per se. everything felt a lot more on the edge. george wallace was running for president. it felt like everything was turning into a sea of turmoil.