mat rights and interests and global free trade order will have to adopt counter measures at the same time. what we can look into and read is china is goipg to retaliate against the u.s. tariffs as soon as they go into effect. following that path. that s what we saw during the first round of tariffs in effect by both sides. a $50 billion on either side. and exactly how we see that play out next week. on september 24. when the u.s. puts flound of tariffs into effect. what china is going to do they haven t spelled it out completely yet. previously they said they plan on putting about 60 billion tlars worth of tariffs on american imports here to china. that s the rough figure. it hasn t been finalized yet. there s other things they can do in addition. $60 billion in tariffs is the number that we re likely looking at. chinese responding next week.
the liberal and that means open market you know free trade order they say we believe in multilateralism we believe in rule of law and as the u.s. response we re going to take that place do you think that trump has just left asia and has left the message america is where transactions are were business your human rights abuses are no that s that s been a big part of his message just consistently for the past. and months i think everybody needs to recognize that democracy and values are not our deemphasized in this administration to the favor of you know economic policy good deals and what he sees as u.s. security tyson barter with the aspen institute s here in berlin is always thank you very much thank you. the terror that engulfed paris on this night two years ago one hundred thirty people
going to move forward without the united states and then the role that china has played you know they have positioned themselves basically to be the guarantor of the liberal and that means open market you know free trade order they say we believe in multilateralism we believe in rule of law and as the u.s. response we re going to take that place do you think that trump has just left asia and has left the message america is where transactions are our business your human rights abuses are no that s that s been a big part of his message just consistently for the past. and months i think everybody needs to recognize that democracy and values are not our deemphasized in this administration to the favor of you know economic policy good deals and what he sees as u.s. security so i some barter with the aspen institute here in berlin i says always thank you very much thank you. the