Gaveltogavel coverage of the u. S. House. Members will begin work on an bill. R trading live now to coverage of the u. S. House here on cspan. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father con rye. Chaplain conroy let us pray. God of wisdom, we give you thanks for giving us another day. Prior to the great compromise, Benjamin Franklin addressed the constitutional convention. Quote, we indeed seem to feel our own want of political wisdom since we have been running about in search of it. This situation of this assembly, groping, as it were, in the dark, to find political truth and scarce able to distinguish it when presented to us, have we now forgotten our powerful friend . Lord, you are the powerful friend referred to by franklin and we turn again to you to ask that your wisdom might break through the political discussions of these days. Bless the members of the peoples house and all of congress with the insight and foresight to
Melanie newport newport. Shes the author of this is my jail local politics the rise of mass incarceration. Newport teaches urban and criminal justice history at the university of connecticut. Hartford. She is series editor with the chicago visions and revisions series at the university of chicago press. Newports research has been supported recently by university of connecticut humanities. University of, illinois at chicago libraries and, the black Metropolis Research consortium. She received a ph. D. In history Temple University in 2016. Newport hails tulsa, oklahoma and tacoma and lives in west hartford, connecticut. Dr. Amanda klonsky is a lecturer at the university of chicago crown school of social work and the author of the forthcoming book pandemic of punishment to be published by beacon press. This pivotal work chronicles the experience of people in american jails and prisons during the covid crisis. Until recently, she served as a at the ucla law covered bars data project. Amand
Melanie newport newport. Shes the author of this is my jail local politics the rise of mass incarceration. Newport teaches urban and criminal justice history at the university of connecticut. Hartford. She is series editor with the chicago visions and revisions series at the university of chicago press. Newports research has been supported recently by university of connecticut humanities. University of, illinois at chicago libraries and, the black Metropolis Research consortium. She received a ph. D. In history Temple University in 2016. Newport hails tulsa, oklahoma and tacoma and lives in west hartford, connecticut. Dr. Amanda klonsky is a lecturer at the university of chicago crown school of social work and the author of the forthcoming book pandemic of punishment to be published by beacon press. This pivotal work chronicles the experience of people in american jails and prisons during the covid crisis. Until recently, she served as a at the ucla law covered bars data project. Amand
Melanie newport newport. Shes the author of this is my jail local politics the rise of mass incarceration. Newport teaches urban and criminal justice history at the university of connecticut. Hartford. She is series editor with the chicago visions and revisions series at the university of chicago press. Newports research has been supported recently by university of connecticut humanities. University of, illinois at chicago libraries and, the black Metropolis Research consortium. She received a ph. D. In history Temple University in 2016. Newport hails tulsa, oklahoma and tacoma and lives in west hartford, connecticut. Dr. Amanda klonsky is a lecturer at the university of chicago crown school of social work and the author of the forthcoming book pandemic of punishment to be published by beacon press. This pivotal work chronicles the experience of people in american jails and prisons during the covid crisis. Until recently, she served as a at the ucla law covered bars data project. Amand
Melanie newport newport. Shes the author of this is my jail local politics the rise of mass incarceration. Newport teaches urban and criminal justice history at the university of connecticut. Hartford. She is series editor with the chicago visions and revisions series at the university of chicago press. Newports research has been supported recently by university of connecticut humanities. University of, illinois at chicago libraries and, the black Metropolis Research consortium. She received a ph. D. In history Temple University in 2016. Newport hails tulsa, oklahoma and tacoma and lives in west hartford, connecticut. Dr. Amanda klonsky is a lecturer at the university of chicago crown school of social work and the author of the forthcoming book pandemic of punishment to be published by beacon press. This pivotal work chronicles the experience of people in american jails and prisons during the covid crisis. Until recently, she served as a at the ucla law covered bars data project. Amand