AUBURN Sally Christner of Turner, who is seeking a third term representing District 7 on the Androscoggin County Commission, is facing challenger Amanda Ricci of Livermore Falls in the Nov. 8 elections. District 7 includes Leeds, Livermore, Livermore Falls, Minot and Turner. Christner, 66, a Republican, has served as the chairwoman several times since […]
AUBURN Sally Christner of Turner, who is seeking a third term representing District 7 on the Androscoggin County Commission, is facing challenger Amanda Ricci of Livermore Falls in the Nov. 8 elections. District 7 includes Leeds, Livermore, Livermore Falls, Minot and Turner. Christner, 66, a Republican, has served as the chairwoman several times since […]
I am pleased to share that Amanda Ricci is a candidate for Androscoggin County commissioner for District 7 (Leeds, Turner, Livermore and Livermore Falls). Amanda is a compassionate woman who values connection with others, regardless of their life circumstances or background. She is respectful and open minded. Amanda has demonstrated throughout her professional career that […]