The Food and Drug Administration’s plan to allow plant-based beverages to continue using the term “milk” has frustrated groups on both sides of the issue.
Two FSU faculty earn Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor honor
Two Florida State University faculty members, one a scholar of Shakespeare and the other a nuclear astrophysicist, will be given the highest honor that the faculty bestow upon their own – they will each be named a Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor.
Professor of Physics Jorge Piekarewicz and Professor of English Gary Taylor have been selected to receive the honor for 2021-2022. Both professors are from the College of Arts and Sciences, FSU’s largest and most academically diverse college.
The Lawton Distinguished Professor Award was first presented in 1957 as the Distinguished Professor Award. It was renamed in honor of the late Vice President for Academic Affairs Robert O. Lawton in 1981.