Protecting 30% of Global Diversity by 2030
After a year ofpandemic delay, the international community is ready to decide on a newproposed target for global diversity protection this year. Under theGlobal Biodiversity Framework Post 2020 (GBF Post 2020), the target aims topreserve at least 30% of the world s area, connectivity, and integrity ofnatural ecosystems by 2030 or the 30 by 30. Its negotiation kicked off duringthe 14th Conference of Parties (COP) of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) inEgypt in November 2018.
The proposed targetprescribes a new playing field following the Aichi Biodiversity Target (ABT)2011-2020 concluded over a decade ago at the 10th COP of CBD in Japan. Afterfailing the ABT and coupled with the alarming 2019 Global Assessment Report ofthe Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and EcosystemServices (IPBES), the international community now have an urgent cond