/PRNewswire/ Kingdom Faire, a pirate themed festival located in Putnam Valley, NY, opened over the weekend to positive reviews (https://kingdomfaire.com)..
Faerie and knights return with the Renaissance Faire > Shelli Buttons performs aerial silk act the Massachusetts Renaissance Faire in 2018. She will be performing again at the faire Aug. 7 and 8 at the Cummington Fairgrounds. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO >The Knights of Lord Talbot battle in a contest of arms at the Massachusetts Renaissance Faire in 2019. They will be performing again at the faire Aug. 7 and 8 at the Cummington Fairgrounds. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO >David Anthony, The Foxy Bard, performs at the Massachusetts Renaissance Faire in 2019. He will be performing again at the faire Aug. 7 and 8. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO >A jouster with Stormy Knights drives his lance into the ground at the Massachusetts Renaissance Faire CONTRIBUTED PHOTO