GUEST WORDS The murders by cop go on - the latest, Lymond Moses, was asleep in his car - prompting furious calls for police reform from many weary of the carnage.
Along with systemic racism, rabid militarization, fascist police unions, no accountability and infamously inadequate if not deranged training, we can thank messianic warrior-cop, uber fear-mongerer and killology expert Dave Grossman, a former Army ranger who for 20 years has traveled
almost daily to every state in the blood-soaked union to offer popular police trainings to tell young acolytes they re the royalty of this land - alas, a war zone of thugs and terrorists where they must learn to fight back with righteous violence, shoot first and think later, and per Radley Balko s Rise of the Warrior Cop, make the threat die - which, as the grim headlines remind us, they are, at a rate of roughly three a day.