Spy Planes and Facial Scans: 2022 OSHER Course. This course is the 2022 OSHER Intersession with John Hopkins University. This two-part course is open to the public.
Issues of social justice, climate change, and political strife can be overwhelming to consider. Solutions journalism has arisen in recent years to delve into problems, and also seek answers.
This two-session course will look at this ground-breaking journalistic trend, and explore a Pulitzer Center project by grantee Joanne Cavanaugh Simpson, who has explored police use of AI and facial recognition in minority communities: “Spy planes” over Baltimore. Flashing blue light cameras watching every resident's move. Facial recognition scans on peaceful protesters in South Florida.
This two-year investigative project, and Cavanaugh Simpson's longtime reporting on issues of social justice and abuses of power while a staff writer at the Miami Herald and elsewhere, also explores answers: Can there be limits on policin