The unit of the Mexican Army, composed mainly of Irish Catholic immigrants who deserted the U.S. Army and fought in the 1846 Mexican–American War. One place in history where you might be surprised to see a green and gold Irish-themed military standard is in the 19th century Mexican Army, but it really happened.
Polityka i Społeczeństwo
Blisko 4 tys. żołnierzy, 80 czołgów, setki wozów bojowych to skład 1.Pancernej Brygadowej Grupy Bojowej, która rozpoczęła kolejną zmianą zmianę w Europie w ramach operacji Atlantic Resolve - poinformował PAP mjr Matthew St. Clair z wysuniętego dowództwa 1. Dywizji Piechoty, która wystawiła obecną zmianę.
1.Pancerna Brygadowa Grupa Bojowa (1ABCT) zostanie rozlokowana w Belgii, Niemczech, Polsce i Rumunii, skąd jej pododdziały rozjadą się do kolejnych krajów - dodał.
Wyposażenie 1ABCT z 1.Dywizji Piechoty stacjonującej w Fort Riley w stanie Kansas dotarło w ubiegłym tygodniu do portu w Gdańsku. Nowa brygadowa grupa zastąpi 1ABCT z 1. Dywizji Kawalerii z Fort Hood Teksasie, która zabierze swój sprzęt.
White Lives Matter Marchers Despondent After Failure: I Was the Only Person To Show Up
On 4/12/21 at 6:00 AM EDT
Attempts to organize far-right White Lives Matter marches in cities across the country failed spectacularly, with a number of planned events having almost no attendees or canceled entirely.
White supremacists, neo-Nazis and other extremists had coordinated dozens of rallies in cities such as Fort Texas, Chicago, Illinois and Orlando, Florida, all due to take place at 1 p.m. on Sunday.
The marches were planned and discussed on social media and encrypted messaging app Telegram.
However, there was no real indication that many of the White Lives Marches would be highly attended, with several dedicated channels for individual marches in cities having only a handful of subscribers.
decorum with the flag at football games, who went to a military school should know what that is, didn t respect it. so this again is picking and choosing patriotism and who should do what when. i didn t go to military school but someone plays the bugle and the national anthem, i m going to stand up. donald trump doesn t care about the military as much as he says. he doesn t know about the military. my mom used to live in fort texas with her husband. i knew when the retreat is played, you re supposed to pull up your car and salute to flag. the idea that donald trump is the commander in chief of the united states military, and he doesn t know that. and he s going around telling people they shouldn t kneel during the national anthem, that s at the height of hypocrisy. i think first off last night