For nearly a century, Turkey has broken ground in areas of economic empowerment for women. Historically, the country was among the first nations to ratify laws that empowered women - from suffrage to the civil code.
The World Bank Turkey Program Closed 2020 with Solid Investments
Contributing to Turkey s Build Back Better Efforts and Longer-Term Goals
In addition to these emergency COVID-19 operations , and in line with its Country Partnership Framework (CPF), the World Bank s regular program of support continued to focus on more equitable and sustainable growth with a renewed focus on ensuring Turkey can build back better after the crisis.
The program covers many areas of support to government and stakeholders in Turkey to address challenges in fiscal management, the financial sector, competitiveness, and private investment, through increased fiscal space, enhanced access to finance for underserved segments, and enhanced competitiveness and employment in selected industries. The emphasis on stronger macro-economic and fiscal management has become more important given the economic volatility experienced by Turkey in the past couple of years.
The World Bank Turkey Program Closed 2020 with Solid Investments
Photos: World Bank Turkey
In 2020, the World Bank delivered record levels of support for Turkey with financing extended to nine critical development projects that totaled US$ 2.5 Billion. This financial support, coupled with a series of Knowledge Products, contribute to the implementation of Turkey’s 11
th National Development Plan, as laid out in the World Bank Group’s Country Partnership Framework (FY17-23).With the new lending approvals in 2020, the active lending portfolio in Turkey reached US$ 6.7 billion in support of 21 projects.
Supporting Turkey’s Response to the COVID-19 crisis
Due to the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the urgency of addressing the huge impacts of this crisis, the World Bank Group responded at a global level by putting together one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge to support developing countries to take broad and fast action in their pandemic respon