THE Senate concurred with the Philippines ratification of the International Labor Organization (ILO) convention addressing violence and harassment in the workplace.
While the House is at a standstill over the speakership battle, the Senate will take steps this week to address the war between the terrorist organization Hamas and Israel.
Plus, behind the scenes of the Israel-Lebanon maritime deal; Gaza’s female students reject the veil; Egyptian students protest dress codes; Egypt shelves Russian MIR payment system; West Bank violence escalates.
Lawmakers in both parties are signaling that Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan should not expect them to sweeten the pot as he seeks concessions in return for dropping his objections to Sweden and Finland joining NATO.
democrats and republicans, pretty cleanly, that most democrats want to have legislation to bolster what the administration is doing. to say if the russians invade ukraine, these sanctions are approved by congress. but the republicans want to do is say we want the sanctions in place now. we want to do them preemptively. don t wait until vladimir putin attacks ukraine in any way any way, shape, or form. that is the split. and there was a discussion among four senior democrats, four senior republicans on the senate foreign relations committee to try to work that out but you heard the senate foreign relations chairman, bob menendez who is trying to write this language say that they are going to write the mother of all sanctions legislation against russia. clarissa, i am wondering what the reaction has been in ukraine to the moves by the u.s. over the last 24 hours? well, it s interesting, anderson. you know, ukraine was very upset last week that they thought