Shelving its plans to roll out electric vehicles out of its two plants, Ford India Pvt Ltd will resume compensation talks with its workers."The management has told the workers that it has no plans to make electric vehicles in India. The .
Close factories or treat us as frontline Covidwarriors: Auto workers demand
Tue, May 25 2021 16:42 IST |
Lifestyle & relationship expert Rachna Khanna Singh.. Image Source: IANS News
Chennai, May 25 : With hundreds of them in many automobile units getting infected with coronavirus in the second wave, workers want factories to shut down to break the Covid-19 chain spread.
With the Tamil Nadu government classifying automobile units as Public Utility Service, workers want the companies to treat them as Covid-19 frontline workers and pay a compensation of Rs.50 lakh to the family of the workers who die due to coronavirus.
Terming the classification of automobile units as a continuous process industry as illogical, workers want the Tamil Nadu government to change it.
Close factories or treat us as frontline Covid warriors: Auto workers demand (ld)
Venkatachari Jagannathan ( IANS) |
Published on
Tue, May 25 2021 19:06 IST |
Amritsar: Factory workers wear masks before going to work, as a precautionary measure against the deadly Coronavirus, in Amritsar on March 8, 2020. . Image Source: IANS News
Chennai, May 25 : With hundreds of them in many automobile units getting infected with coronavirus in the second wave, workers want factories to shut down to break the Covid-19 chain spread.
With the Tamil Nadu government classifying automobile units as Public Utility Service, workers want the companies to treat them as Covid-19 frontline workers and pay a compensation of Rs.50 lakh to the family of the workers who die due to coronavirus.