The My NASA Data (MND) project supports grades 3rd through 12th-grade students and teachers across the globe in analyzing and interpreting NASA mission data. MND provides student and teacher materials, including teacher-facing lesson plans, student-facing lessons and interactives, and NASA data via an easy-to-access interface. Having recently celebrated over 1 million digital engagements in the […]
We asked three NASA engineers to share their experiences, from early challenges they faced in their careers to the day-to-day of being a working engineer.
Members of NASA Science Activation’s NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative (NESEC) were recently invited to present and participate as part of a space and citizen science panel session at the International Colloquium on Space and Sustainability, held at the Ciudad Creativa Digital’s Plataforma Abierta de Innovación in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The Colloquium, held November 13 […]