she is unserious about this task of being the border czar. it s why it took her nearly 100 days to actually go to the border. and when she got there, ainsley, she stood up and said we have made great progress. how can you say that when there is a 21 year high in encounters at the border. a record high as you note for the month of july with unaccompanied minors, this is a disaster. and then she laughs about it she says well, i haven t been to europe when asked about going to the border. she is failing at this task. that s why she has the lowest approval rating of any vice president in the last half century. ainsley: i want to also talk to you about covid-19. yesterday, the president was trying to address the flip wrong of the cdc and all of these ever changing mandates or guidance. dr. michael osterholm, he was a former biden covid adviser. is he saying the cloth mask iraqi security forces ineffective. listen to this. know today that many of the face cloth coverings a that