DEAR SUN SPOTS: Regarding the person looking for opinions on a battery-operated lawn mower, I changed to battery-operated lawn care equipment years ago and have no regrets at all! I got tired of pull cords, gas, and oil changes. I have a Kobalt (Lowe’s brand) 80-volt leaf blower (super powerful), a grass trimmer, a 14-foot […]
DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Androscoggin Historical Society will hold a Craft Sale from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 22, at the West Auburn Schoolhouse at 740 West Auburn Road. Crafters of all types are welcome to rent one of the remaining tables for $25. Please contact me at 782-5467 to make arrangements. […]
DEAR SUN SPOTS: I am cleaning out closets, etc. and have clothing and household items to donate such as ladies coats, dresses, blouses and slacks, kitchen items, and bedding. Most of this stash is nearly new. I’d like to give to a few places in the L-A area and know you have nonprofits listed in […]