Hello fellow political junkies! Last week was the first full week of the 2024 legislative session and with it came committee meetings, floor sessions and free stuff in the wings by the rotunda from various organizations. This week the full House and Senate are expected to start hearing bills. Current bills your NM Political Report staff
OPINION: We are grateful New Mexico Attorney General Raúl Torrez recently took on enforcement of the right of the public to access and recreate on New Mexico public waters.
New Mexico’s attorney general is suing a landowner who continues to block anglers, kayakers and other recreationists from using a portion of the Pecos River that crosses his property more
Attorney General Raúl Torrez deserves praise for acting to enforce a Supreme Court decision that unequivocally let landowners know rivers and streams belong to the public.
Over a year later, private landowners are still blocking public access to water flowing across their streambeds. Barbed wire fencing, pipe fencing and other materials are being used to keep