India's fiscal deficit for the four months through July stood at Rs 3.41 lakh crore, data released by the Controller General of Accounts showed on Wednesday.
Fiscal deficit for 2021-22 worked out to be 6.71 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP), lower than 6.9 per cent projected by the Finance Ministry in the revised Budget Estimates, according to government data released on Tuesday.
The government's fiscal deficit in February-end (April 2021 to February 2022) worked out at 82.7 per cent of the revised annual budget estimates for 2021-22, according to official data released on Thursday.
The government has received Rs 10,99,166 crore up to September 2021, comprising Rs 9,20,692 crore tax revenue, Rs 1,60,356 crore of non-tax revenue and Rs 18,118 crore of non-debt capital receipts.