In an original suit filed under Article 131 of the Constitution, the Kerala government has said the Constitution bestows fiscal autonomy upon states to regulate their finances under various articles, and the borrowing limits or the extent of such borrowings are regulated by state legislation.
The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) and its training arm disclosed on Saturday, August 14, that it is spearheading the establishment of a platform to strengthen local-level cooperation among local government bodies of ASEAN Plus Three (APT) member countries in battling the cor
The job crunch and the growing fires of nativism
March 15, 2021 01:10 IST
Unless States in India have the autonomy to create jobs, they will only resort to reserving existing jobs for locals
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Unless States in India have the autonomy to create jobs, they will only resort to reserving existing jobs for locals
The Haryana government has recently passed legislation that mandates companies in Haryana to provide jobs to local Haryanvis first, before hiring people from outside the State.
The unemployment rate in Haryana is the highest of all States in India, as per data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy, or CMIE. A whopping 80% of women in Haryana who want to work cannot find a job. More than half of all graduates in Haryana are jobless. The jobs situation in Haryana is staggeringly dismal.