as they say on the market shows, worry some. but on a more fundamental level there are also danger signs. when young people are told by their leaders that work is a scam, and that stealing things from other people is a human right, how do you think your economy s going to look in 10 years? how about your civilization? the answer depends in part on how much idleness and theft you put up with. any society that cannot declare unequivalently and with confidence that stealing is wrong has no future. when you let the mob loot, you are doomed. this is why we used to shoot looters. not because we hated them, it wasn t personal. but in order to defend the foundation of all that we have which is private property secured by law. without that, we would be living in savagery and chaos. in chicago, they already are. this is what america s second largest city looked like this weekend. [screaming and yelling]. oh, my god! tucker: there s no point to that. nobody s benning. what you re se
In response to the 2023 Beyond Growth Conference , this piece is the sixth in a weekly series that has been published together on 8 May in a special issue magazine, "Imagining Europe Beyond Growth", developed in partnership with Belgian de-growth think tank Oikos. The magazine, curated by our Senior
Adopting to the lowest pollution levels can save Europe's air. Besides protecting the environment, this simple solution can save up to 37,000 lives and 103? billions in taxpayer money every year. Adapting Europe's most polluting industry to lower pollution standards is a once-in-a-generation
granted and that there s conscious is just a normal thing that happens but to the best of my knowledge, we see no evidence of conscious life anywhere in the universe. so it might be there. you know, physics called sort of the firmy paradox when even rico firmy physicist asked where are the aliens. a lot of people ask me where are the aliens. i think if anyone would know about aliens on earth, it would probably be me. tucker: i would think. yeah, i m, you know, very familiar with space stuff. and i ve seen no evidence of aliens. so i would immediately, you know tweet it out and in a split second that would probably be top tweet of all times, found one guys, jackpot.
Amazon zasa oznámil, že bezplatne ponúkne verejnosti bezpečnostné školenie, ktoré poskytuje svojim zamestnancom. Podobne sa vyjadrili aj Microsoft či IBM.