Moon-based telescopes would allow astronomers to conduct cutting-edge science. But given how busy the moon is getting, will the lunar surface be free enough from interference?
Moon-based telescopes would allow astronomers to conduct cutting-edge science. But given how busy the moon is getting, will the lunar surface be free enough from interference?
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To prepare for the next giant leap in space exploration traveling to Mars the NASA Artemis program is planning to send humans back to the moon by 2024. But first, Artemis scientists are sending up a bunch of science projects, and a BU telescope is one of them.
The Lunar Environment Heliospheric X-ray Imager (LEXI) is being designed and built in a lab on Cummington Street by a team of engineers led by Brian Walsh, a BU College of Engineering assistant professor of mechanical engineering. In 2023, LEXI will be hitching a ride on Firefly Aerospace’s
Ghost lunar lander, alongside nine other science and technology payloads.