Bristol has won the coveted City of Film Award at the 2024 Global Production Awards, presented during Cannes Film Festival. The annual awards held by leading film trade publication Screen International, took place at Mademoiselle Gray d'Albion Plage, Cannes, recognising outstanding and sustainable work in the world of film and TV production, locations and studios.
LIMERICK locations appear in the trailer for Bonhoeffer, a major feature which was filmed across the Mid-West region last year. The major Irish-Belgian co-produ.
A new skills training programme to support creatives looking to break into behind-the-camera roles on scripted film and high-end TV productions made in the West of England will launch later this month. Metro Mayor Dan Norris, who leads the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority: "The West of England is fast becoming the Hollywood of
A new skills training programme to support creatives looking to break into behind-the-camera roles on scripted film and high-end TV productions made in the West