Frances Coombe, 30, says Muse Management and its CEO Conor Kennedy dropped him from their roster for being insufficiently masculine to work as a man, and forced him to model female attire.
constitutional crisis. joining me now is congressman adam schiff who led tuesday s hearing. good to be with you. two more hearings this coming weeks, delayed two weeks. can you give us a little bit more? what more has come in and on what specific areas has more information come in that you feel you need more time? the next couple of hearings will cover the run-up to january 6th, the marshaling of this mob that appeared on the mall that day and attacked the capitol and the final hearing will cover what the president was doing and more importantly, what he was not doing as we were being attacked. in those hours, not january 6th itself. exactly. basically, the president s flagrant dereliction of duty while the capitol was being attacked and this will give us more time to prepare for the two hearings. a lot of work, as you might imagine, goes into each and every one of these hearings and learn more information all the
Przywódcy afgańskich talibów, którzy od dwóch dekad ukrywali swoją tożsamość, nie pozostaną w cieniu i ujawnią się przed światem - przekazał agencji Reutera przedstawiciel bojowników. Jednym z pierwszych, który pokazał swą twarz społeczności międzynarodowej, był rzecznik bojowników Zabihullah Mudżahid. Poprowadził wtorkową konferencję prasową.