the long-term issues we have on energy swam- the long-term issues we have on energy supply. the long-term issues we have on ener: su l. , ., energy supply. few bells continue to no energy supply. few bells continue to .o u . energy supply. few bells continue to no u- and energy supply. few bells continue to 90 up and the energy supply. few bells continue to go up and the labour energy supply. few bells continue to go up and the labour party - energy supply. few bells continue to go up and the labour party says - energy supply. few bells continue to go up and the labour party says the | go up and the labour party says the conservatives are out of ideas about what to do about it, regardless of who is prime minister. fitter what to do about it, regardless of who is prime minister. who is prime minister. after 12 ears of who is prime minister. after 12 years of tory who is prime minister. after 12 years of tory government, - who is prime minister. after 12| years of tory
the scale of these issues. it is clear to me mistakes are still being made today, i hear from people who are told everything is fine, then it is clearly not. we need to fix notjust the past but the future. these issues have gone on for a very long time and the department checks cases but did not take this one seriously enough. it is small change to the department, but it can be life changing amounts for individuals. the average amount of money owed is around £9,000, but others have missed out on six figure sums. most will be fully repaid but some will only get the amount of backdated for three months. jan tiernan from fife has been fighting for years to try to get the money she believes is entitled to.
figure sums. most will be fully repaid but some will only get the amount of backdated for three months. jan tiernan from fife has been fighting for years to try to get the money she believes is entitled to. the fact that they she believes is entitled to. the fact that they kept saying it was your fault, you should have told us, no, i your fault, you should have told us, no, i never your fault, you should have told us, no, i never received any information telling no, i never received any information telling me no, i never received any information telling me to fill in forms, over the different letters they gave me several the different letters they gave me several different reasons why this was never several different reasons why this was never done. firstly it was my fault was never done. firstly it was my fault for was never done. firstly it was my fault for not was never done. firstly it was my fault for not filling in the form, then fault for not filling in the for