Global Warming? Maybe You Should Pack a Sweater
Climate Change. The other possibility is, of course, global cooling.
And then there’s the concocted and long-in-the-tooth COVID-19
Narrative Pandemic, causing uprisings sometimes on the verge of
real insurrections all over Europe and South America.
So, predictably, the establishment is attempting to buttress its failing fictions. They trot out Biden to disingenuously echo the official 500,000 “
The establishment is also trying it’s damndest to counter the Texas in fact, world-wide record-breaking deep-freeze. The spokes-liars are out in force, distracting us by blaming Texas utilities for not prepping for record cold. Maybe they believed the
they were supposed to look at spreadsheets and maybe fending off a financial disaster. but some at the s.e.c. were looking at porn on their computers for hours and hours and hours. we ll have more on how the government watchdogs were watching explicit sex scenes while the taxpayer got taken to the cleaners. are democrats afraid of the tea party? we talk to a prominent democrat who believes his party should not back down from engagement with the movement. we have more on these and the rest of the top stories coming up at the top of the hour, right here on america s news headquarters. stay tuned. back in a few moments. cheryl: al gore s newest warning against global warming? your kids. he s launching a program called inconvenient youth. one-stop shop to help the teens help other fight climate crisis, but tracy says it will leave us holding the bag. i hate this notion he took