The film features a stellar cast, including Abul Hayat, Mamunur Rashid, Jayanto Chattopadhyay, Ferdous, Tarin, Litu Anam, Hridi Huq, Mousumi Hamid, Sajal Noor, Nazia Haque Orsha, Sanjida Preeti, and Anisur Rahman Milon, amongst others.
Besides directing it, Chhatku Ahmed is also in charge of writing the script and dialogues of the film. Although the cast has not officially signed the agreement yet, the director informed the media that he plans to begin the shoot in March.
In a momentous event held at BFDC today, actor Ferdous Ahmed, renowned for his contribution to Bangladeshi cinema, was honoured by the country's film and artist society. This recognition comes after the actor announced his participation in the upcoming national parliamentary election from the Dhaka-10 constituency.
In anticipation of the upcoming 12th National Parliament election, a group of well-known actors from the entertainment industry is actively seeking nominations. This diverse lineup includes renowned figures such as Ferdous, Mahiya Mahi, Rubel, Shakil Khan, and Siddiqur Rahman. These celebrities have taken a step further by collecting nomination forms, indicating their
Numerous artists came together to form a human chain, urging an end to the ongoing strikes and blockades in the country. On a Saturday afternoon, in front of the National Museum in Shahbagh, they created a united front under the banner 'Society of Artists Against Destruction.' The human chain comprised of actors, actresses, heroes, singers, and various other personalities from