Nine yuan ($1.25) for a delicious jijia (chicken rib), 5 yuan for seven juicy mini shaomai (Chinese steamed open dumplings). Shenyang, a major city of northeastern China that is about three hours of high-speed train from Beijing, is becoming a popular destination for young people in the capital to spend their weekends, thanks to its unexpectedly high cost-performance ratio of food, leisure and entertainment, not to mention its unique regional culture and rich historical heritage.
Of all the ‘practice’ wars that preceded the main events of the second world war, including the Spanish civil war and the winter war between Finland and the Soviet Union, the least well known is the four-month war on the Mongolia-Manchurian border between the Soviet Union and Japan that ended in September 1939. This is not surprising, perhaps, because British attention was
A regional and transnational history of anarchism in Korea by Dongyoun Hwang. This book provides a history of anarchism in Korea and challenges conventional views of Korean anarchism as merely part of nationalist ideology, situating the study within a wider East Asian regional context. Following the movement after 1945, Hwang shows how anarchism in Korea was deradicalized and evolved into an idea for both social revolution and alternative national development, with emphasis on organizing and educating peasants and developing rural villages.
To ensure stable, real-time transmission and decoding of its 19 hours of coverage before launch of the Mengtian space capsule, China’s digital newspaper The Pap.
The US and China have revived the space race as Nasa has started its return to the moon and China’s Tiangong space station is complete and operational. Russia, meanwhile, has seen its role diminished and could fall further out of favour as public and private options surpass Russian rockets.