continue as clearly in the polls of the majority of the american people do, it s overwhelming. when you put out this kind of memo i don t think there s any question it damages the reputation of the fbi. we the listened to your very good interview of congressman gates. he was saying the fbi was biased and used plaolitically weapon es did i think he said in a way that was intended to damage one political candidates campaign. if you believe that and you believe the deputy did he want and in particular rod rosenstein signed off on fisa requests knowing this was false, of course as an american you would say, hey that s not us, that s not the american people. that s wrong. so that would therefore call into question the entire probe. shannon: alright. well there are republicans cluting trey gowdy that says that s not when it s about. another tweet comes to us from
they ve done something tricky, they embedded into their memo sources and methods. as bad as some of us would want to release that immediately it has to undergo the same process so we don t put people in danger. their claims should be deemed so uncredible. remember days ago when democrats were saying if we release the republican memo people will be in danger, blood will be on the hands of devin nunes and the republicans. i think the american people can see how outrageous those claims were. this is information we need. shannon: i ve read the memo myself. people can do it and decide whether or not there s something in there. it seems like something you would reed in a newspaper article or a first year law class. it wouldn t live up to those claims. that does raise some questions. i want to reed a letter from top democrats in house and senate to the president today saying this: director and the department of
colluded with the russians and that somebody even used laundered money to pay for campaign dirt that was partially paid for by russian agents. that somebody was not the trump campaign. that should matter a great deal to mueller. so where does this investigation go from here? the espns from james comey on twitter was, that s it? my response being a child of the 80 s, where s the beef? what was this memo supposed to tell us? all it told us was carter page was a nobody, an irrelevant nothing. he had no involvement of any substance in the came pain. never talked to then candidate trump. was surveilled three weeks after he left the campaign. he was no longer part of it. and a mere two or three weeks before election day, this is the big scandal is that they surveilled carter page at that .2 or three weeks before the election itself, someone who had been on the doj s radar since 2013 for communicating with
application so we know more about that? would you support voting for what the democrats want to release in their memo which they say paints the rest of the picture and gives context to everything something. we do know what andrew mccabe said. he s no talking head for the republican party. he said but for this dossier there never would have been a fisa memo. shannon: you know there are democrats who are denying that. they were there, they read, seen or heard the testimony themselves and said it was not a credible accusation. that is a verifiable fact. i do support any information they would like to provide. they re all over the place. first the democrats voted against allowing members of congress to see this information, they said it was just a distraction. i think all the american people can see now there is merit into looking into why you would have fisa warrants issued based on a political opposition memo for the first time in american history this has happened. let s have a pu
russian intelligence officers? shannon: do you not think it s important they didn t tell them a lot of information? if you don t tell them this information some of it at least comes from someone being funded by the democrats and opposition campaign and the fact that the fbi was paying him at one point that there were other allegations that the judge never knew about, if i was one of the fisa judges i would have a lot of questions about what i learned today. that s very legitimate. what has and has not been clarified so far today? first of all mr. steele was never paid by the fbi as part of this particular issue. they were considering it, ultimately backed off on doing that. that we now know is this memo was a three page summary of a 50 something page submission. ken knows about how detailed they are, and the fact it s presumed that an informant such as mr. steele will have some kind of bias, judges are used to that, they understand that. what we don t know is how much was truly tol